
client_edit Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /client/19130/edit
# Route name Path Log
1 absence_delete /absence/{id} Path does not match
2 app_admin_dashboard_index /admin Path does not match
3 app_billing_testsepa /facturation/testSepa Path does not match
4 app_billing_rendrecontencieux /facturation/billing/rendrecontencieux Path does not match
5 app_billing_index /facturation/liste Path does not match
6 billing_new_rdv /facturation/new/rdv/{id} Path does not match
7 billing_edit /facturation/edit/{id} Path does not match
8 billing_cancel /facturation/cancel/{id}/{date} Path does not match
9 billing_importajax /facturation/import-ajax Path does not match
10 import_csv /facturation/importCSV Path does not match
11 app_billing_downloadexcel /facturation/downloadExcel Path does not match
12 app_billing_downloaditemsexcel /facturation/downloadItemsExcel Path does not match
13 client_index /client/ Path does not match
14 client_send_billing /client/sendBilling/{client} Path does not match
15 client_new /client/new Path does not match
16 client_import /client/import Path does not match
17 client_importajax /client/import-ajax Path does not match
18 client_importajaxcontract /client/import-ajax-contract Path does not match
19 client_importContract /client/import-contract Path does not match
20 app_client_downloadexcel /client/downloadExcel Path does not match
21 app_client_downloadclient /client/downloadClient Path does not match
22 client_show /client/{id} Path does not match
23 client_edit /client/{id}/edit Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.