
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 absence_delete /absence/{id} Path does not match
2 app_admin_dashboard_index /admin Path does not match
3 app_billing_testsepa /facturation/testSepa Path does not match
4 app_billing_rendrecontencieux /facturation/billing/rendrecontencieux Path does not match
5 app_billing_index /facturation/liste Path does not match
6 billing_new_rdv /facturation/new/rdv/{id} Path does not match
7 billing_edit /facturation/edit/{id} Path does not match
8 billing_cancel /facturation/cancel/{id}/{date} Path does not match
9 billing_importajax /facturation/import-ajax Path does not match
10 import_csv /facturation/importCSV Path does not match
11 app_billing_downloadexcel /facturation/downloadExcel Path does not match
12 app_billing_downloaditemsexcel /facturation/downloadItemsExcel Path does not match
13 client_index /client/ Path does not match
14 client_send_billing /client/sendBilling/{client} Path does not match
15 client_new /client/new Path does not match
16 client_import /client/import Path does not match
17 client_importajax /client/import-ajax Path does not match
18 client_importajaxcontract /client/import-ajax-contract Path does not match
19 client_importContract /client/import-contract Path does not match
20 app_client_downloadexcel /client/downloadExcel Path does not match
21 app_client_downloadclient /client/downloadClient Path does not match
22 client_show /client/{id} Path does not match
23 client_edit /client/{id}/edit Path does not match
24 client_send_billing_multiple /client/sendBillingMultiple Path does not match
25 app_client_recurrence /client/{id}/recurrence Path does not match
26 app_client_deleterecurrence /client/{id}/recurrence/{type}/delete Path does not match
27 app_client_recurrenceesthetique /client/{id}/recurrence-esthetique Path does not match
28 client_generaterecurrence /client/{id}/generateRecurrence Path does not match
29 client_delete /client/{id} Path does not match
30 app_client_ajaxgetproducts /client/getProducts/{id} Path does not match
31 company_index /societe/ Path does not match
32 company_new /societe/new Path does not match
33 company_show /societe/{id} Path does not match
34 company_edit /societe/{id}/edit Path does not match
35 company_delete /societe/{id} Path does not match
36 app_exploitation_index /exploitation/ Path does not match
37 app_exploitation_download /exploitation/download Path does not match
38 app_export_index /export/ Path does not match
39 homepage / Path does not match
40 intervenant_index /intervenant/ Path does not match
41 intervenant_new /intervenant/new Path does not match
42 app_intervenant_downloadexcel /intervenant/downloadExcel Path does not match
43 intervenant_show /intervenant/{id} Path does not match
44 intervenant_edit /intervenant/{id}/edit Path does not match
45 intervenant_delete /intervenant/{id} Path does not match
46 app_parameter_index /parametres Path does not match
47 paytweak /paytweak/payment Path does not match
48 app_planning_site /planning/site Path does not match
49 app_planning_intervenant /planning/intervenant Path does not match
50 app_planning_envoiplanning /planning/envoiPlanning Path does not match
51 app_planning_liste /planning/liste Path does not match
52 app_planning_liste_bo /planning/listeBO Path does not match
53 app_planning_coiffeurliste /planning/coiffeurListe Path does not match
54 app_planning_new /planning/new Path does not match
55 app_planning_newjos /planning/newJOS Path does not match
56 app_planning_pilotage /planning/pilotage-expoitation Path does not match
57 app_planning_calendrier /planning/calendrier-expoitation Path does not match
58 send_email /planning/send_email Path does not match
59 app_planning_generateform /planning/generateForm Path does not match
60 planning_handle_form /planning/handleForm Path does not match
61 app_planning_dragdrop /planning/dragdrop Path does not match
62 app_planning_exportcalendrier /planning/export-calendrier Path does not match
63 planning_delete /planning/{id}/delete Path does not match
64 app_planning_sessionsalon /planning/{id}/sessionSalon Path does not match
65 app_planning_fusion /planning/fusion Path does not match
66 app_planning_downloadexcel /planning/downloadExcel Path does not match
67 app_planning_addrdvajax /planning/addRdv Path does not match
68 app_planning_ajaxfilter /planning/getPlannings Path does not match
69 app_planning_ajaxgetsalons /planning/getSalons/{id} Path does not match
70 app_planning_ajaxgetintervenants /planning/getIntervenants/{id}/{date} Path does not match
71 app_planning_ajaxgetproducts /planning/getProducts/{id} Path does not match
72 app_planning_show /planning/{id} Path does not match
73 app_planning_edit /planning/{id}/edit Path does not match
74 app_planning_delete /planning/{id} Path does not match
75 product_index /product/ Path does not match
76 product_famille /product/famille Path does not match
77 product_famille_new /product/famille/new Path does not match
78 product_sous_famille_new /product/famille/sousFamille/new Path does not match
79 product_famille_edit /product/famille/edit/{id} Path does not match
80 product_sous_famille_edit /product/famille/sousFamille/edit/{id} Path does not match
81 product_new /product/new Path does not match
82 product_import /product/import Path does not match
83 product_import_famille /product/import-famille Path does not match
84 product_importajax /product/import-ajax Path does not match
85 product_show /product/{id} Path does not match
86 product_edit /product/{id}/edit Path does not match
87 product_delete /product/{id} Path does not match
88 product_filter_famille /product/filterFamille/{id} Path does not match
89 product_filter_sous_famille /product/filterSousFamille/{id} Path does not match
90 app_reglement_index /reglement/liste Path does not match
91 app_reglement_webhook /reglement/paytweak/webhook Path does not match
92 reglement_edit /reglement/edit/{id} Path does not match
93 reglement_cancel /reglement/cancel/{id} Path does not match
94 app_reporting_index /reporting Path does not match
95 rdv_index /reservation/ Path does not match
96 rdv_category_selection /reservation/{salon} Path does not match
97 rdv_product_selection /reservation/{salon}/{famille} Path does not match
98 new_client /reservation/{salon}/{famille}/{rdv}/client/new Path does not match
99 rdv_summary /reservation/{salon}/{famille}/{rdv}/summary/{alreadyPaid} Path does not match
100 rdv_confirmation_payment /reservation/confirmation/paiement/success Path does not match
101 get_salons /reservation/search/for/get-salons Path does not match
102 get_salon_availability /reservation/search/for/get-salon-availability Path does not match
103 get_intervenant_date /reservation/search/for/get-intervenant-date Path does not match
104 get_additionnal_products /reservation/search/for/get-additionnal-products Path does not match
105 privacy_policy /reservation/docs/privacy-policy/politique-de-confidentialite Path does not match
106 send_confirmation_rdv /reservation/search/for/send-confirmation-rdv Path does not match
107 general_terms_conditions /reservation/docs/cgv/politique-de-confidentialite Path does not match
108 salon_index /salon/ Path does not match
109 salon_new /salon/new Path does not match
110 salon_show /salon/{id} Path does not match
111 salon_edit /salon/{id}/edit Path does not match
112 salon_delete /salon/{id} Path does not match
113 salon_billing_address /salon/getBillingAdress Path does not match
114 app_login /login Path does not match
115 app_logout /logout Path does not match
116 app_site_downloadexcel /site/downloadExcel Path does not match
117 site_index /site/ Path does not match
118 site_annuaire /site/annuaire-site Path does not match
119 site_new /site/new Path does not match
120 site_show /site/{id} Path does not match
121 site_edit /site/{id}/edit Path does not match
122 site_annuaire_edit /site/{id}/editAnnuaire Path does not match
123 site_delete /site/{id} Path does not match
124 delete_contact /site/delete-contact/{id} Path does not match
125 app_test_testcodebilling /test/testCodeBilling Path does not match
126 app_test_testbillingpdf /test/billingPdf Path does not match
127 app_test_testemail /test/email Path does not match
128 app_test_testpaytweah /test/testPaytweak Path does not match
129 app_test_testplanning /test/envoiPlanning Path does not match
130 app_test_testprimes /test/testPrimes Path does not match
131 app_test_paytweakresend /test/paytweakResent Path does not match
132 app_test_getlink /test/getLink Path does not match
133 app_test_testeasycollect /test/test/easycollect Path does not match
134 user_index /habilitations Path does not match
135 fos_js_routing_js /js/routing.{_format} Path does not match
136 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
137 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
138 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
139 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
140 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
141 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
142 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
143 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
144 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
145 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
146 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
147 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.