Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
253.63 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 0.36 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.intervenant_id AS intervenant_id_5 FROM `user` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2 | 1.45 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0
[] |
3 | 36.25 ms |
SELECT r0_.id AS id_0, c1_.room_number AS room_number_1, r0_.`start` AS start_2, r0_.priorite AS priorite_3, r0_.status AS status_4, c1_.lastname AS lastname_5, r0_.comment AS comment_6, c1_.firstname AS firstname_7, c1_.id AS id_8, r2_.nb_semaine AS nb_semaine_9 FROM `rdv` r0_ LEFT JOIN intervenant i3_ ON r0_.intervenant_type = i3_.id LEFT JOIN client c1_ ON r0_.client_id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN site s4_ ON c1_.site_id = s4_.id LEFT JOIN recurrence r2_ ON r0_.recurrence_rdvs_id = r2_.id WHERE r0_.`start` >= ? AND i3_.user_id = ? AND s4_.id <> 146 ORDER BY r0_.`start` ASC LIMIT 50
[ "2024-12-03 18:15:41" 49 ] |
4 | 0.36 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
5 | 0.45 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 24345 ] |
6 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
7 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
8 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
9 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
10 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
11 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
12 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
13 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 24375 ] |
14 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
15 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
16 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
17 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
18 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
19 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 21328 ] |
20 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
21 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
22 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
23 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
24 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
25 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
26 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
27 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
28 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 23652 ] |
29 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
30 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
31 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
32 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
33 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
34 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
35 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 24360 ] |
36 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
37 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
38 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
39 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
40 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
41 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 22997 ] |
42 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
43 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
44 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
45 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
46 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
47 | 0.53 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 8492 ] |
48 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
49 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
50 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
51 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
52 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
53 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
54 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
55 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
56 | 0.41 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 17736 ] |
57 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
58 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
59 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
60 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
61 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
62 | 0.59 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3919 ] |
63 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
64 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
65 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
66 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
67 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
68 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18057 ] |
69 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
70 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
71 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
72 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
73 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
74 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 7994 ] |
75 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
76 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
77 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
78 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
79 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
80 | 0.40 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18546 ] |
81 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
82 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
83 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
84 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
85 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
86 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 13248 ] |
87 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
88 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
89 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
90 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
91 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
92 | 0.77 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3906 ] |
93 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
94 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
95 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
96 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
97 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
98 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 20119 ] |
99 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
100 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
101 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
102 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
103 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
104 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
105 | 0.29 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 17615 ] |
106 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
107 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
108 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
109 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
110 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
111 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
112 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
113 | 0.47 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 14371 ] |
114 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
115 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
116 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
117 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
118 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
119 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
120 | 0.41 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 16412 ] |
121 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
122 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
123 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
124 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
125 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
126 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3961 ] |
127 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
128 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
129 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
130 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
131 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
132 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
133 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3973 ] |
134 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
135 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
136 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
137 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
138 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
139 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 499 ] |
140 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
141 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
142 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
143 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
144 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
145 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
146 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
147 | 0.50 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 503 ] |
148 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
149 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
150 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
151 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
152 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
153 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
154 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 500 ] |
155 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
156 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
157 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
158 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
159 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
160 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 505 ] |
161 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
162 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
163 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
164 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
165 | 0.29 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
166 | 0.70 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 5657 ] |
167 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
168 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
169 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
170 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
171 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
172 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 21954 ] |
173 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
174 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
175 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
176 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
177 | 0.26 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
178 | 0.59 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3936 ] |
179 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
180 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
181 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
182 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
183 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
184 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3932 ] |
185 | 0.29 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
186 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
187 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
188 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
189 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 21328 ] |
190 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
191 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
192 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
193 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
194 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 23652 ] |
195 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
196 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
197 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
198 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
199 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
200 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 19919 ] |
201 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
202 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
203 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
204 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
205 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
206 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
207 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
208 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 20183 ] |
209 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
210 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
211 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
212 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
213 | 0.55 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 8492 ] |
214 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
215 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
216 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
217 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
218 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 17736 ] |
219 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
220 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
221 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
222 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
223 | 0.59 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3919 ] |
224 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
225 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
226 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
227 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
228 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
229 | 0.50 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18932 ] |
230 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
231 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
232 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
233 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
234 | 0.37 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18057 ] |
235 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
236 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
237 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
238 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
239 | 0.62 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18546 ] |
240 | 0.42 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
241 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
242 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
243 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
244 | 0.50 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 13248 ] |
245 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
246 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
247 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
248 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
249 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3906 ] |
250 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
251 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
252 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
253 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
254 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
255 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3491 ] |
256 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
257 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
258 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
259 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
260 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
261 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
262 | 0.43 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3492 ] |
263 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
264 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
265 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
266 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
267 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
268 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3499 ] |
269 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
270 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
271 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
272 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
273 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
274 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 3473 ] |
275 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
276 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
277 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
278 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
279 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
280 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
281 | 0.33 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 18185 ] |
282 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
283 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
284 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
285 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
286 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
287 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 23234 ] |
288 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
289 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
290 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
291 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
292 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
293 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 23719 ] |
294 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
295 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
296 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
297 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
298 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
299 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 19944 ] |
300 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
301 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
302 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
303 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
304 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
305 | 0.30 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 5867 ] |
306 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
307 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
308 | 0.23 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
309 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
310 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
311 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.dateBilling AS dateBilling_1, b0_.sendingDate AS sendingDate_2, b0_.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_3, b0_.code AS code_4, b0_.comment AS comment_5, b0_.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_6, b0_.ht AS ht_7, b0_.ttc AS ttc_8, b0_.solde AS solde_9, b0_.status AS status_10, b0_.accompte AS accompte_11, b0_.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_12, b0_.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_13, b0_.type AS type_14, b0_.created AS created_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16 FROM billing b0_ INNER JOIN client c1_ ON b0_.client_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company c2_ ON b0_.company_id = c2_.id WHERE b0_.status = ? AND b0_.client_id = ? ORDER BY b0_.dateBilling DESC
[ "envoyée" 24210 ] |
312 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT p0_.ui AS ui_0 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ?
313 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
314 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_2, t3.id AS id_4, t3.priorite AS priorite_5, t3.validated AS validated_6, t3.status AS status_7, t3.`start` AS start_8, t3.`end` AS end_9, t3.comment AS comment_10, t3.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_11, t3.recurrence AS recurrence_12, t3.has_add_service AS has_add_service_13, t3.order_id AS order_id_14, t3.payment_link AS payment_link_15, t3.is_platform AS is_platform_16, t3.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_17, t3.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_18, t3.info_cheque AS info_cheque_19, t3.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_20, t3.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_21, t3.contract AS contract_22, t3.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_23, t3.client_id AS client_id_24, t3.salon_id AS salon_id_25, t3.author_id AS author_id_26, t3.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_27, t3.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_28, t0.billing_id AS billing_id_29 FROM rdvbilling t0 LEFT JOIN `rdv` t3 ON t0.rdv_id = t3.id WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
315 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
316 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.marque AS marque_3, t0.gamme AS gamme_4, t0.compte AS compte_5, t0.facturation AS facturation_6, t0.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_7, t0.ui AS ui_8, t0.mesure AS mesure_9, t0.type AS type_10, t0.fournisseur AS fournisseur_11, t0.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_12, t0.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_13, t0.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_14, t0.reference AS reference_15, t0.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_16, t0.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_17, t0.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_18, t0.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_19, t0.price_ht AS price_ht_20, t0.marge AS marge_21, t0.tva AS tva_22, t0.type_tva AS type_tva_23, t0.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_24, t0.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_25, t0.order_multiple AS order_multiple_26, t0.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_27, t0.unitVente AS unitVente_28, t0.mandatory AS mandatory_29, t0.no_reservation AS no_reservation_30, t0.commercial_name AS commercial_name_31, t0.checked AS checked_32, t0.ordering AS ordering_33, t0.product_type AS product_type_34, t0.famille AS famille_35, t0.sous_famille AS sous_famille_36 FROM product t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
317 | 2.21 ms |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.marque AS marque_2, p0_.gamme AS gamme_3, p0_.compte AS compte_4, p0_.facturation AS facturation_5, p0_.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_6, p0_.ui AS ui_7, p0_.mesure AS mesure_8, p0_.type AS type_9, p0_.fournisseur AS fournisseur_10, p0_.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_11, p0_.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_12, p0_.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_13, p0_.reference AS reference_14, p0_.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_15, p0_.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_16, p0_.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_17, p0_.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_18, p0_.price_ht AS price_ht_19, p0_.marge AS marge_20, p0_.tva AS tva_21, p0_.type_tva AS type_tva_22, p0_.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_23, p0_.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_24, p0_.order_multiple AS order_multiple_25, p0_.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_26, p0_.unitVente AS unitVente_27, p0_.mandatory AS mandatory_28, p0_.no_reservation AS no_reservation_29, p0_.commercial_name AS commercial_name_30, p0_.checked AS checked_31, p0_.ordering AS ordering_32, p0_.product_type AS product_type_33, p0_.famille AS famille_34, p0_.sous_famille AS sous_famille_35 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.indisponible_vente = ?
318 | 0.94 ms |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.name AS name_1, s0_.service AS service_2, s0_.status AS status_3, s0_.openingDays AS openingDays_4, s0_.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_5, s0_.specific_billing AS specific_billing_6, s0_.date_open AS date_open_7, s0_.date_end AS date_end_8, s0_.opening_time AS opening_time_9, s0_.closing_time AS closing_time_10, s0_.address_id AS address_id_11, s0_.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_12, s0_.site_id AS site_id_13 FROM salon s0_
[] |
319 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.purcent AS purcent_2, p0_.type AS type_3, p0_.code AS code_4, p0_.date_debut AS date_debut_5, p0_.date_fin AS date_fin_6, p0_.service AS service_7 FROM promo_code p0_
[] |
320 | 101.25 ms |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.identifier AS identifier_1, c0_.firstname AS firstname_2, c0_.numeroClient AS numeroClient_3, c0_.civilite AS civilite_4, c0_.lastname AS lastname_5, c0_.birthday AS birthday_6, c0_.deathday AS deathday_7, c0_.gender AS gender_8, c0_.email AS email_9, c0_.phone AS phone_10, c0_.comments AS comments_11, c0_.suivi_client AS suivi_client_12, c0_.room_number AS room_number_13, c0_.building_room AS building_room_14, c0_.stairs AS stairs_15, c0_.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_16, c0_.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_17, c0_.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_18, c0_.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_19, c0_.email_notaire AS email_notaire_20, c0_.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_21, c0_.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_22, c0_.days_of_week AS days_of_week_23, c0_.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_24, c0_.consignes_client AS consignes_client_25, c0_.status_prospect AS status_prospect_26, c0_.profil_client AS profil_client_27, c0_.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_28, c0_.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_29, c0_.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_30, c0_.zipcode AS zipcode_31, c0_.created AS created_32, c0_.updated AS updated_33, c0_.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_34, c0_.email_agreement AS email_agreement_35, c0_.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_36, c0_.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_37, c0_.address_facturation AS address_facturation_38, c0_.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_39, c0_.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_40, c0_.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_41, c0_.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_42, c0_.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_43, c0_.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_44, c0_.site_id AS site_id_45, c0_.contact_id AS contact_id_46, c0_.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_47, c0_.creator_id AS creator_id_48, c0_.maj_id AS maj_id_49 FROM client c0_ WHERE (c0_.status_prospect <> ? AND c0_.status_prospect <> ?) OR c0_.status_prospect IS NULL
[ "Inactif" "Parti" ] |
321 | 0.39 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
322 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
323 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
324 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
325 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
326 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
327 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
328 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
329 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
330 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
331 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
332 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
333 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
334 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
335 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
336 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
337 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
338 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
339 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
340 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
341 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
342 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
343 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
344 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
345 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
346 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
347 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
348 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
349 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
350 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
351 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
352 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
353 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
354 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
355 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
356 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
357 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
358 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
359 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
360 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
361 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
362 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
363 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
364 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
365 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
366 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
367 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
368 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
369 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
370 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
371 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
372 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
373 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
374 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
375 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
376 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
377 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
378 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
379 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
380 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
381 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
382 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
383 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
384 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
385 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
386 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
387 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
388 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
389 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
390 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
391 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
392 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
393 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
394 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
395 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
396 | 0.12 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
397 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
398 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
399 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
400 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
401 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
402 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
403 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
404 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
405 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
406 | 0.78 ms |
SELECT i0_.birthday_place AS birthday_place_0, i0_.num_identite AS num_identite_1, i0_.metier AS metier_2, i0_.status AS status_3, i0_.email_pro AS email_pro_4, i0_.situationFamille AS situationFamille_5, i0_.transport_mode AS transport_mode_6, i0_.num_secu AS num_secu_7, i0_.contact_nom AS contact_nom_8, i0_.contact_tel AS contact_tel_9, i0_.image AS image_10, i0_.cni AS cni_11, i0_.nb_blouse AS nb_blouse_12, i0_.taille_blouse AS taille_blouse_13, i0_.model_tablette AS model_tablette_14, i0_.ref_tablette AS ref_tablette_15, i0_.carte_sim AS carte_sim_16, i0_.date_retour_tablette AS date_retour_tablette_17, i0_.date_remise_tablette AS date_remise_tablette_18, i0_.identifiantEmma AS identifiantEmma_19, i0_.motdepassemma AS motdepassemma_20, i0_.mailpro AS mailpro_21, i0_.mot_de_passe_email_pro AS mot_de_passe_email_pro_22, i0_.id AS id_23, i0_.firstname AS firstname_24, i0_.lastname AS lastname_25, i0_.nom_jeune_fille AS nom_jeune_fille_26, i0_.birthday AS birthday_27, i0_.deathday AS deathday_28, i0_.gender AS gender_29, i0_.email AS email_30, i0_.phone AS phone_31, i0_.phone_gcm AS phone_gcm_32, i0_.comments AS comments_33, i0_.user_id AS user_id_34, i0_.workContract_id AS workContract_id_35, i0_.country_id AS country_id_36, i0_.departement_id AS departement_id_37, i0_.nationality_id AS nationality_id_38, i0_.address_id AS address_id_39 FROM intervenant i0_
[] |
407 | 0.33 ms |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.label AS label_1, c0_.plannedAgain AS plannedAgain_2 FROM cancel_reason c0_
[] |
408 | 0.88 ms |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.name AS name_1, s0_.type AS type_2, s0_.enseigne AS enseigne_3, s0_.phone AS phone_4, s0_.status AS status_5, s0_.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_6, s0_.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_7, s0_.parking AS parking_8, s0_.rangementCles AS rangementCles_9, s0_.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_10, s0_.codeAccess AS codeAccess_11, s0_.filename AS filename_12, s0_.autresInformations AS autresInformations_13, s0_.emailSite AS emailSite_14, s0_.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_15, s0_.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_16, s0_.created AS created_17, s0_.updated AS updated_18, s0_.logistique_id AS logistique_id_19, s0_.address_id AS address_id_20, s0_.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_21, s0_.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_22, s0_.contact_id AS contact_id_23, s0_.creator_id AS creator_id_24, s0_.maj_id AS maj_id_25 FROM site s0_
[] |
409 | 0.42 ms |
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410 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
411 | 0.32 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
412 | 0.36 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
413 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
414 | 0.20 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
415 | 0.69 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
416 | 0.57 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
417 | 0.98 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
418 | 0.54 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
419 | 0.56 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
420 | 0.52 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
421 | 0.65 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
422 | 0.85 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
423 | 0.42 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
424 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
425 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
426 | 0.36 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
427 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
428 | 0.32 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
429 | 0.67 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
430 | 0.64 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
431 | 0.60 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
432 | 0.64 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
433 | 0.87 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
434 | 0.53 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
435 | 0.71 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
436 | 0.47 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
437 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
438 | 0.29 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
439 | 0.33 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
440 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
441 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
442 | 1.00 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
443 | 0.67 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
444 | 0.68 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
445 | 0.58 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
446 | 0.31 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
447 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
448 | 0.49 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
449 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.dateBilling AS dateBilling_2, t0.sendingDate AS sendingDate_3, t0.modeFacturation AS modeFacturation_4, t0.code AS code_5, t0.comment AS comment_6, t0.paidPaytweak AS paidPaytweak_7, t0.ht AS ht_8, t0.ttc AS ttc_9, t0.solde AS solde_10, t0.status AS status_11, t0.accompte AS accompte_12, t0.linkPaytweak AS linkPaytweak_13, t0.linkPaytweakExpire AS linkPaytweakExpire_14, t0.type AS type_15, t0.created AS created_16, t0.updated AS updated_17, t0.client_id AS client_id_18, t0.site_id AS site_id_19, t0.company_id AS company_id_20, t0.reglement_id AS reglement_id_21, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_22, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_23, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_24 FROM billing t0 WHERE t0.client_id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\User |
App\Entity\Intervenant |
App\Entity\SessionSalon |
App\Entity\Product |
App\Entity\Parameter | No errors. |
App\Entity\RDV |
App\Entity\Client |
App\Entity\Billing | No errors. |
App\Entity\Site |
App\Entity\Site\Logistique |
App\Entity\Address | No errors. |
App\Entity\Contact |
App\Entity\Salon |
App\Entity\Product\ProductType |
App\Entity\Product\Famille |
App\Entity\Product\SousFamille | No errors. |
App\Entity\PromoCode | No errors. |
App\Entity\Client\BillingInfos | No errors. |
App\Entity\CancelReason | No errors. |
App\Entity\Recurrence | No errors. |
App\Entity\Contract |
App\Entity\Client\FamilyMember |
App\Entity\Reglement | No errors. |
App\Entity\Company | No errors. |
App\Entity\RDVProduct |
App\Entity\RDVBilling | No errors. |
App\Entity\GridPrice | No errors. |
App\Entity\IntervenantSalon | No errors. |
App\Entity\RecurrenceProduct | No errors. |
App\Entity\ProductService |
App\Entity\WorkContract |
App\Entity\Countries |
App\Entity\Departement | No errors. |
App\Entity\Absence | No errors. |
App\Entity\LogPlanning |
App\Entity\LogCancel | No errors. |
App\Entity\BillingItem | No errors. |