Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
129.61 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.intervenant_id AS intervenant_id_5 FROM `user` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2 | 0.38 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.priorite AS priorite_2, t0.validated AS validated_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.`start` AS start_5, t0.`end` AS end_6, t0.comment AS comment_7, t0.comment_forfait AS comment_forfait_8, t0.recurrence AS recurrence_9, t0.has_add_service AS has_add_service_10, t0.order_id AS order_id_11, t0.payment_link AS payment_link_12, t0.is_platform AS is_platform_13, t0.new_recurrence AS new_recurrence_14, t0.cheque_reception AS cheque_reception_15, t0.info_cheque AS info_cheque_16, t0.code_promo_applied AS code_promo_applied_17, t0.intervenant_type AS intervenant_type_18, t0.contract AS contract_19, t0.cancel_reason_id AS cancel_reason_id_20, t0.client_id AS client_id_21, t0.salon_id AS salon_id_22, t0.author_id AS author_id_23, t0.recurrence_rdvs_id AS recurrence_rdvs_id_24, t0.code_promo_id AS code_promo_id_25 FROM `rdv` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
3 | 0.44 ms |
SELECT t0.birthday_place AS birthday_place_1, t0.num_identite AS num_identite_2, t0.metier AS metier_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.email_pro AS email_pro_5, t0.situationFamille AS situationFamille_6, t0.transport_mode AS transport_mode_7, t0.num_secu AS num_secu_8, t0.contact_nom AS contact_nom_9, t0.contact_tel AS contact_tel_10, t0.image AS image_11, t0.cni AS cni_12, t0.nb_blouse AS nb_blouse_13, t0.taille_blouse AS taille_blouse_14, t0.model_tablette AS model_tablette_15, t0.ref_tablette AS ref_tablette_16, t0.carte_sim AS carte_sim_17, t0.date_retour_tablette AS date_retour_tablette_18, t0.date_remise_tablette AS date_remise_tablette_19, t0.identifiantEmma AS identifiantEmma_20, t0.motdepassemma AS motdepassemma_21, t0.mailpro AS mailpro_22, t0.mot_de_passe_email_pro AS mot_de_passe_email_pro_23, t0.id AS id_24, t0.firstname AS firstname_25, t0.lastname AS lastname_26, t0.nom_jeune_fille AS nom_jeune_fille_27, t0.birthday AS birthday_28, t0.deathday AS deathday_29, t0.gender AS gender_30, t0.email AS email_31, t0.phone AS phone_32, t0.phone_gcm AS phone_gcm_33, t0.comments AS comments_34, t0.user_id AS user_id_35, t0.workContract_id AS workContract_id_36, t0.country_id AS country_id_37, t0.departement_id AS departement_id_38, t0.nationality_id AS nationality_id_39, t0.address_id AS address_id_40 FROM intervenant t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
4 | 0.28 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.service AS service_3, t0.status AS status_4, t0.openingDays AS openingDays_5, t0.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_6, t0.specific_billing AS specific_billing_7, t0.date_open AS date_open_8, t0.date_end AS date_end_9, t0.opening_time AS opening_time_10, t0.closing_time AS closing_time_11, t0.address_id AS address_id_12, t0.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_13, t0.site_id AS site_id_14 FROM salon t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
5 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.identifier AS identifier_2, t0.firstname AS firstname_3, t0.numeroClient AS numeroClient_4, t0.civilite AS civilite_5, t0.lastname AS lastname_6, t0.birthday AS birthday_7, t0.deathday AS deathday_8, t0.gender AS gender_9, t0.email AS email_10, t0.phone AS phone_11, t0.comments AS comments_12, t0.suivi_client AS suivi_client_13, t0.room_number AS room_number_14, t0.building_room AS building_room_15, t0.stairs AS stairs_16, t0.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_17, t0.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_18, t0.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_19, t0.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_20, t0.email_notaire AS email_notaire_21, t0.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_22, t0.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_23, t0.days_of_week AS days_of_week_24, t0.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_25, t0.consignes_client AS consignes_client_26, t0.status_prospect AS status_prospect_27, t0.profil_client AS profil_client_28, t0.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_29, t0.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_30, t0.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_31, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_32, t0.created AS created_33, t0.updated AS updated_34, t0.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_35, t0.email_agreement AS email_agreement_36, t0.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_37, t0.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_38, t0.address_facturation AS address_facturation_39, t0.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_40, t0.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_41, t0.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_42, t0.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_43, t0.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_44, t0.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_45, t0.site_id AS site_id_46, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_47, t0.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_48, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_49, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_50 FROM client t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
6 | 0.48 ms |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.marque AS marque_2, p0_.gamme AS gamme_3, p0_.compte AS compte_4, p0_.facturation AS facturation_5, p0_.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_6, p0_.ui AS ui_7, p0_.mesure AS mesure_8, p0_.type AS type_9, p0_.fournisseur AS fournisseur_10, p0_.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_11, p0_.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_12, p0_.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_13, p0_.reference AS reference_14, p0_.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_15, p0_.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_16, p0_.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_17, p0_.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_18, p0_.price_ht AS price_ht_19, p0_.marge AS marge_20, p0_.tva AS tva_21, p0_.type_tva AS type_tva_22, p0_.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_23, p0_.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_24, p0_.order_multiple AS order_multiple_25, p0_.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_26, p0_.unitVente AS unitVente_27, p0_.mandatory AS mandatory_28, p0_.no_reservation AS no_reservation_29, p0_.commercial_name AS commercial_name_30, p0_.checked AS checked_31, p0_.ordering AS ordering_32, p0_.product_type AS product_type_33, p0_.famille AS famille_34, p0_.sous_famille AS sous_famille_35 FROM product p0_ LEFT JOIN rdv_product r1_ ON p0_.id = r1_.product_id WHERE r1_.rdv_id = ? AND p0_.indisponible_vente = ?
[ 556346 0 ] |
7 | 0.95 ms |
SELECT i0_.birthday_place AS birthday_place_0, i0_.num_identite AS num_identite_1, i0_.metier AS metier_2, i0_.status AS status_3, i0_.email_pro AS email_pro_4, i0_.situationFamille AS situationFamille_5, i0_.transport_mode AS transport_mode_6, i0_.num_secu AS num_secu_7, i0_.contact_nom AS contact_nom_8, i0_.contact_tel AS contact_tel_9, i0_.image AS image_10, i0_.cni AS cni_11, i0_.nb_blouse AS nb_blouse_12, i0_.taille_blouse AS taille_blouse_13, i0_.model_tablette AS model_tablette_14, i0_.ref_tablette AS ref_tablette_15, i0_.carte_sim AS carte_sim_16, i0_.date_retour_tablette AS date_retour_tablette_17, i0_.date_remise_tablette AS date_remise_tablette_18, i0_.identifiantEmma AS identifiantEmma_19, i0_.motdepassemma AS motdepassemma_20, i0_.mailpro AS mailpro_21, i0_.mot_de_passe_email_pro AS mot_de_passe_email_pro_22, i0_.id AS id_23, i0_.firstname AS firstname_24, i0_.lastname AS lastname_25, i0_.nom_jeune_fille AS nom_jeune_fille_26, i0_.birthday AS birthday_27, i0_.deathday AS deathday_28, i0_.gender AS gender_29, i0_.email AS email_30, i0_.phone AS phone_31, i0_.phone_gcm AS phone_gcm_32, i0_.comments AS comments_33, i0_.user_id AS user_id_34, i0_.workContract_id AS workContract_id_35, i0_.country_id AS country_id_36, i0_.departement_id AS departement_id_37, i0_.nationality_id AS nationality_id_38, i0_.address_id AS address_id_39 FROM intervenant i0_
[] |
8 | 2.40 ms |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.marque AS marque_2, p0_.gamme AS gamme_3, p0_.compte AS compte_4, p0_.facturation AS facturation_5, p0_.type_taux_tva AS type_taux_tva_6, p0_.ui AS ui_7, p0_.mesure AS mesure_8, p0_.type AS type_9, p0_.fournisseur AS fournisseur_10, p0_.remiseGenerale AS remiseGenerale_11, p0_.tempsNormatif AS tempsNormatif_12, p0_.forfaitIllimite AS forfaitIllimite_13, p0_.reference AS reference_14, p0_.price_sell_ht_a AS price_sell_ht_a_15, p0_.price_ht_b AS price_ht_b_16, p0_.price_ht_c AS price_ht_c_17, p0_.price_ht_c_d AS price_ht_c_d_18, p0_.price_ht AS price_ht_19, p0_.marge AS marge_20, p0_.tva AS tva_21, p0_.type_tva AS type_tva_22, p0_.stock_quantity AS stock_quantity_23, p0_.gestion_stock AS gestion_stock_24, p0_.order_multiple AS order_multiple_25, p0_.indisponible_vente AS indisponible_vente_26, p0_.unitVente AS unitVente_27, p0_.mandatory AS mandatory_28, p0_.no_reservation AS no_reservation_29, p0_.commercial_name AS commercial_name_30, p0_.checked AS checked_31, p0_.ordering AS ordering_32, p0_.product_type AS product_type_33, p0_.famille AS famille_34, p0_.sous_famille AS sous_famille_35 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.type = ? AND p0_.indisponible_vente = ?
[ "esthetique" 0 ] |
9 | 1.03 ms |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.name AS name_1, s0_.service AS service_2, s0_.status AS status_3, s0_.openingDays AS openingDays_4, s0_.date_activity_end AS date_activity_end_5, s0_.specific_billing AS specific_billing_6, s0_.date_open AS date_open_7, s0_.date_end AS date_end_8, s0_.opening_time AS opening_time_9, s0_.closing_time AS closing_time_10, s0_.address_id AS address_id_11, s0_.gridprice_id AS gridprice_id_12, s0_.site_id AS site_id_13 FROM salon s0_
[] |
10 | 0.46 ms |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.purcent AS purcent_2, p0_.type AS type_3, p0_.code AS code_4, p0_.date_debut AS date_debut_5, p0_.date_fin AS date_fin_6, p0_.service AS service_7 FROM promo_code p0_
[] |
11 | 95.63 ms |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.identifier AS identifier_1, c0_.firstname AS firstname_2, c0_.numeroClient AS numeroClient_3, c0_.civilite AS civilite_4, c0_.lastname AS lastname_5, c0_.birthday AS birthday_6, c0_.deathday AS deathday_7, c0_.gender AS gender_8, c0_.email AS email_9, c0_.phone AS phone_10, c0_.comments AS comments_11, c0_.suivi_client AS suivi_client_12, c0_.room_number AS room_number_13, c0_.building_room AS building_room_14, c0_.stairs AS stairs_15, c0_.nom_tuteur AS nom_tuteur_16, c0_.civilite_tuteur AS civilite_tuteur_17, c0_.prenom_tuteur AS prenom_tuteur_18, c0_.email_tuteur AS email_tuteur_19, c0_.email_notaire AS email_notaire_20, c0_.num_tuteur AS num_tuteur_21, c0_.type_tuteur AS type_tuteur_22, c0_.days_of_week AS days_of_week_23, c0_.comment_tuteur AS comment_tuteur_24, c0_.consignes_client AS consignes_client_25, c0_.status_prospect AS status_prospect_26, c0_.profil_client AS profil_client_27, c0_.address_tuteur AS address_tuteur_28, c0_.address_tuteur2 AS address_tuteur2_29, c0_.city_tuteur AS city_tuteur_30, c0_.zipcode AS zipcode_31, c0_.created AS created_32, c0_.updated AS updated_33, c0_.privacy_policy_accepted AS privacy_policy_accepted_34, c0_.email_agreement AS email_agreement_35, c0_.cgv_accepted AS cgv_accepted_36, c0_.has_signed_easy_collect AS has_signed_easy_collect_37, c0_.address_facturation AS address_facturation_38, c0_.complement_adresse_facturation AS complement_adresse_facturation_39, c0_.code_postal_facturation AS code_postal_facturation_40, c0_.ville_facturation AS ville_facturation_41, c0_.nom_facturation AS nom_facturation_42, c0_.prenom_facturation AS prenom_facturation_43, c0_.civilite_facturation AS civilite_facturation_44, c0_.site_id AS site_id_45, c0_.contact_id AS contact_id_46, c0_.billing_infos_id AS billing_infos_id_47, c0_.creator_id AS creator_id_48, c0_.maj_id AS maj_id_49 FROM client c0_ WHERE (c0_.status_prospect <> ? AND c0_.status_prospect <> ?) OR c0_.status_prospect IS NULL
[ "Inactif" "Parti" ] |
12 | 0.48 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
13 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
14 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
15 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
16 | 0.25 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
17 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
18 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
19 | 0.19 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
20 | 0.24 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
21 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
22 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
23 | 0.11 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
24 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
25 | 0.11 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
26 | 0.15 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
27 | 0.13 ms |
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28 | 0.22 ms |
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29 | 0.16 ms |
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30 | 0.21 ms |
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31 | 0.18 ms |
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32 | 0.21 ms |
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33 | 0.16 ms |
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34 | 0.18 ms |
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35 | 0.11 ms |
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36 | 0.15 ms |
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37 | 0.11 ms |
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38 | 0.15 ms |
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39 | 0.13 ms |
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40 | 0.19 ms |
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41 | 0.13 ms |
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42 | 0.20 ms |
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43 | 0.15 ms |
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44 | 0.16 ms |
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45 | 0.12 ms |
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46 | 0.15 ms |
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47 | 0.13 ms |
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48 | 0.15 ms |
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49 | 0.10 ms |
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50 | 0.14 ms |
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51 | 0.10 ms |
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52 | 0.15 ms |
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53 | 0.10 ms |
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54 | 0.15 ms |
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55 | 0.10 ms |
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56 | 0.15 ms |
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57 | 0.10 ms |
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58 | 0.16 ms |
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59 | 0.13 ms |
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60 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
61 | 0.13 ms |
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62 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
63 | 0.11 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
64 | 0.14 ms |
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65 | 0.10 ms |
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66 | 0.15 ms |
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68 | 0.14 ms |
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70 | 0.14 ms |
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72 | 0.14 ms |
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73 | 0.10 ms |
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74 | 0.16 ms |
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75 | 0.13 ms |
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76 | 0.17 ms |
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77 | 0.13 ms |
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78 | 0.15 ms |
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80 | 0.14 ms |
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82 | 0.15 ms |
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84 | 0.14 ms |
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86 | 0.14 ms |
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88 | 0.14 ms |
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90 | 0.18 ms |
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92 | 0.14 ms |
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93 | 0.13 ms |
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94 | 0.14 ms |
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95 | 0.10 ms |
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96 | 0.14 ms |
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97 | 0.10 ms |
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98 | 0.14 ms |
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99 | 0.10 ms |
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100 | 0.14 ms |
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101 | 0.10 ms |
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102 | 0.14 ms |
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104 | 0.14 ms |
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106 | 0.14 ms |
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108 | 0.14 ms |
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110 | 0.17 ms |
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112 | 0.16 ms |
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114 | 0.14 ms |
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116 | 0.14 ms |
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118 | 0.14 ms |
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120 | 0.16 ms |
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122 | 0.14 ms |
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124 | 0.22 ms |
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126 | 0.17 ms |
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127 | 0.13 ms |
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128 | 0.14 ms |
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129 | 0.11 ms |
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130 | 0.14 ms |
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131 | 0.10 ms |
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132 | 0.14 ms |
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133 | 0.10 ms |
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134 | 0.14 ms |
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135 | 0.10 ms |
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136 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
137 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
138 | 0.18 ms |
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139 | 0.13 ms |
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140 | 0.17 ms |
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141 | 0.13 ms |
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142 | 0.14 ms |
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143 | 0.10 ms |
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144 | 0.15 ms |
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145 | 0.10 ms |
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146 | 0.15 ms |
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147 | 0.10 ms |
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148 | 0.17 ms |
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149 | 0.13 ms |
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150 | 0.17 ms |
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151 | 0.13 ms |
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152 | 0.17 ms |
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153 | 0.11 ms |
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154 | 0.19 ms |
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155 | 0.14 ms |
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156 | 0.22 ms |
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157 | 0.18 ms |
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158 | 0.21 ms |
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160 | 0.17 ms |
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161 | 0.13 ms |
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162 | 0.21 ms |
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163 | 0.13 ms |
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164 | 0.20 ms |
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165 | 0.16 ms |
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166 | 0.25 ms |
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167 | 0.19 ms |
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168 | 0.41 ms |
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169 | 0.26 ms |
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170 | 0.24 ms |
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171 | 0.19 ms |
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172 | 0.22 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
173 | 0.14 ms |
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174 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
175 | 0.16 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
176 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
177 | 0.14 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
178 | 0.18 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
179 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
180 | 0.17 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.enseigne AS enseigne_4, t0.phone AS phone_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.zoneGeographique AS zoneGeographique_7, t0.consignesLingeries AS consignesLingeries_8, t0.parking AS parking_9, t0.rangementCles AS rangementCles_10, t0.localPoubelles AS localPoubelles_11, t0.codeAccess AS codeAccess_12, t0.filename AS filename_13, t0.autresInformations AS autresInformations_14, t0.emailSite AS emailSite_15, t0.no_display_reservation AS no_display_reservation_16, t0.no_display_annuaire AS no_display_annuaire_17, t0.created AS created_18, t0.updated AS updated_19, t0.logistique_id AS logistique_id_20, t0.address_id AS address_id_21, t0.contactCommercial_id AS contactCommercial_id_22, t0.contactBilling_id AS contactBilling_id_23, t0.contact_id AS contact_id_24, t0.creator_id AS creator_id_25, t0.maj_id AS maj_id_26 FROM site t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
181 | 0.13 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.street AS street_3, t0.zipcode AS zipcode_4, t0.city AS city_5 FROM address t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
182 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.label AS label_1, c0_.plannedAgain AS plannedAgain_2 FROM cancel_reason c0_
[] |
183 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.product_id AS product_id_2, t0.rdv_id AS rdv_id_3 FROM rdv_product t0 WHERE t0.rdv_id = ?
184 | 0.35 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.intervenant_id AS intervenant_id_5 FROM `user` t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\User |
App\Entity\Intervenant |
App\Entity\SessionSalon |
App\Entity\Product |
App\Entity\Parameter | No errors. |
App\Entity\RDV |
App\Entity\Contract |
App\Entity\CancelReason | No errors. |
App\Entity\Client |
App\Entity\Salon |
App\Entity\Recurrence | No errors. |
App\Entity\PromoCode | No errors. |
App\Entity\RDVProduct |
App\Entity\Billing | No errors. |
App\Entity\RDVBilling | No errors. |
App\Entity\WorkContract |
App\Entity\Countries |
App\Entity\Departement | No errors. |
App\Entity\Address | No errors. |
App\Entity\Absence | No errors. |
App\Entity\LogPlanning |
App\Entity\LogCancel | No errors. |
App\Entity\GridPrice | No errors. |
App\Entity\Site |
App\Entity\IntervenantSalon | No errors. |
App\Entity\Product\ProductType |
App\Entity\Product\Famille |
App\Entity\Product\SousFamille | No errors. |
App\Entity\Contact |
App\Entity\Client\BillingInfos | No errors. |
App\Entity\Client\FamilyMember |
App\Entity\Reglement | No errors. |
App\Entity\RecurrenceProduct | No errors. |
App\Entity\ProductService |
App\Entity\Site\Logistique |